DG - 2017-2018

Martin Ward

Welcome to District 6330
Our district is an international district in the USA and Canada. Situated in east central Michigan and west central Ontario - with clubs located in rural areas and in larger cities such as Flint, MI and London, ON.
Whether you live here, or are a visitor to our area - whether a member of Rotary, or just interested in learning more about this organization and what we do - you will be welcomed at any of our meetings or events.
We work together to make a difference in the lives of people in our communities - both locally and internationally - by exchanging ideas and taking action.
Feel free to contact me if you have questions, or simply would like to know more about Rotary in District 6330.
District Governor:  Martin Ward email: martin.a.ward@gmail.com

Past Governor 2014-2015

Doug Bernard

For most clubs and the District, membership growth is a priority in the coming year. Some clubs have been relatively successful which, along with the establishment of the newest club, the St. Thomas Railway City, our district has achieved a net growth in membership. Our goal is to continue this growth over the next two years to 2000+ members which will require a net increase of approximately 150 or 1-2 members per club per year. 

There is no magical method to achieving growth in membership. The most important thing we can do is to make sure we “ask” family, friends and business associates if they would like to become involved in supporting our activities in the local and international communities. Many club meetings during the summer are more informal, BBQ’s etc., which provide a great opportunity to invite non-Rotarians to attend and learn about the activities your club does in your community.

I also urge you to hold “Rotary Days” by participating in community events during the summer and displaying the great projects that your club has done or is currently doing in the community. 

Extension also includes continued support of existing Interact and Rotaract clubs, as well as involving Youth Exchange students and their parents from your club or other area clubs who have returned from their exchange year. Invite them to speak at your club meeting and by including the parents you are introducing your club to great ambassadors of Rotary. 

I am looking forward to visiting all the clubs and meeting as many members as possible starting August 12th. If there is anything special that you wish me to do during my visit please advise your Assistant Governor. 

One of the assignments to me by President Huang and RI is to ensure your Club’s Constitution and Bylaws are current. This will require a short meeting with your club board before or after your regular meeting. Your AG will be in touch to confirm. 

The responsibility of District Executives, Assistant Governors, District Chairs, DG, DGE and DGN is to provide support to the clubs. Please do not hesitate to ask any of us for assistance as we work to Light Up Rotary in 2014-15. 

Doug Burnard 

District Governor 2014-2015 
District 6330