Sue VanDuynhoven Ventriloquist

Two Rotarians, Tom Telfer and Werner Humann present Sue with a Paul Harris Fellow for her volunteer work. Sue has volunteered at the Thames Valley Children’s Centre for 8-10 years as well as one-on-one with sick and injured children at the Children’s Hospital of Western Ontario. She has spent many hours bringing joy to these children while they are going through rough times. Often the puppets become the sick child’s best friend.
Sue attended the Gala on Saturday evening, March 21st to be presented to Rotary International President Gary Whang during the Paul Harris Fellow recognitions.

Sue then treated us to a presentation. “Petunia” joined her and proceeded to tell us about her lack of a belly button and now that she is a doctor she is about to sew one on for herself! With incredible speed of conversation and interaction Sue and Petunia carried on quite the dialogue. Petunia has 44 “siblings”, each with its own skit and its own voice. What a gift that Sue has and that she shares it so freely with children. By the way, Sue also does performances that she gets paid for!