Welcome to London East. (1955) Dist. 6330
This holiday season, Rotary Club London East is proud to present the following donations to these worth London causes.
Salvation Army ($1000)
John Howard Society ($2000)
Anova ($1000)
Food Bank ($1000)
Mission Services ($1000)
My Sisters Place ($1000)
Toys for Tots ($1000)
Trafalgar School Nutrition Program ($500)
Aberdeen School Nutrition Program ($500)
A wonderful day for a changeover. Thank you for your commitment and service during the 2021-2022 year, Sila Joshua. Welcome to the helm, Michelle De Ruiter for the 2022-2023 year. We are looking forward to a fantastic year ahead.
(click "Read more..." to view more photos)
David Wood, Harvard MBA, a man with deep roots in London, developed his winning formula by transforming a failing plastics company in the '60's.  He has since reinvigorated other organizations.  His message is particularly important at this point when we are watching major societal conflict erupting.
He says:
Please invite friends and family to hear David speak to us via Zoom at our regular lunch meeting on September 8. 
Benjamin is studying to be a Health Officer in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
He wants to help South Sudan with health programs.
When the market shuts down for Covid, there is nowhere to go for light to study. We provided two solar powered lamps for Joseph and Hamad.
Joseph Daud
Hamad Nocha
Rotary London East/MGYF helped Hamed Nocha with texts.  Hamed is studying at home now, but looking forward to going back to college in Ethiopia.
Another student needs texts to study at home while the pandemic has closed the schools.  Joseph Moma is studying Law.  He wants to help South Sudan establish its judicial system.  
Although students in Africa cannot attend school, they are studying at home.  To do so, they need texts.  This is Daud Koka, who is studying Agriculture.  He wants to help farmers make their fields more productive in South Sudan.
Members of Rotary Club London East, with the help the cyber savvy among them, enjoy a noon hour Zoom meeting!
Last year, Lorrie identified a school in East London that could use some help.  Her first move was to recruit some helpers and spruce up the landscaping on the school property.  
President Bonnie Hudson and Sila Joshua sign an agreement to collect a pool of money from Club members and interested friends to support young people from South Sudan who are working on a college education.  These young people will use their skills to help build South Sudan, the world's newest country.  
As well as a financial donation from our Club to the Toys for Tots project, Deb, Bonnie (wearing the Rotary Participation shades!) and Susan Cassan joined armed forces volunteers to fill Santa bags with new gifts for children ages 3 to 13.  
Home Page News

Rotary Club of London East delivered over 800 Dictionaries to 3rd Graders in London and Area!!!!!

“The Dictionary Project” was started over eleven years ago in South Carolina when Mary French set out to give a dictionary to every third grader in every school in South Carolina, every year.

The dictionaries are handpicked to fit the needs of young students learning to read and write.

The dictionary has larger print and is small enough for growing hands and contains most words that third graders use.

The 3rd grade was targeted because this is the age when children are beginning to learn the importance of words; in their speech and in their writing.

Having a dictionary of their own gives them ‘word power’ to write essays in later years, to read a book and understand it, and to function in the business world when they grow up.

It will also be a help to teachers and in doing homework.

It is not a children’s book, but one they can keep and use all their lives, helping them to become knowledgeable adults.



Bicycle Project

Bike Project

London East Rotary - El Dorado Rotary Club Bogota


"Bike project set back"


What does this mean?

Delay means time for a grant, our fundraising committee will apply (all applications must be complete by February 2017.


Why is there a delay?

The Rotary Club in Bogota was working with a school "Sena" to set up a course to repair and distribute bikes.

The teachers were organizing to help supplement payment for the shipping container from Cartagena to Bogota. 

We found out that the legal department is saying "they cannot do this".

The El Dorado Rotary Club will now fundraise and approach corporations to raise the $2500


Since we have more time, let's add more value to the project


1. Tool kits to repair a bicycle

2. Donation centre for tools

3. Elderly people not needing tools

4. Drive for more bicycles

5. Bicycle pumps

6. Bike helmets

7. Bicycle bells

8. Reflective tape


Let's continue to grow and organize this Bicycle Project.



Sue Edgington (2023-24)
Rotary Club of London East President, Sue Edgington welcomes you to our Club. We have a dynamic, fun club with much to offer. We are looking for business and community leaders to join our organization and make a difference to the many people we serve. Where would our community be without volunteers like you? Join us for lunch and find out why Rotary has grown to 1.2 million members worldwide.
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays:
  • Bill George
    February 2
  • Michelle De Ruiter
    February 5
Spouse/Partner Birthdays:
  • Isa Mann
    February 12
Join Date:
  • Patrick Briscoe
    February 9, 2016
    9 years
Meeting Info

We meet In Person & Online
Tuesdays at 12:00 p.m.
Various Locations
Email for details
London, ON
(519) 495-4241
Guiding Principles